Volunteering has changed my life
2011 - that was the year that changed it all, I remember it fondly as my year of time investment. I put my hand up for all sorts of activities and events to help in any capacity needed. This saw me involved with the TEDx community. I was originally working with a leading university event in Sydney, called TEDxMacquarieUniversity, which was an amazing experience that led me to working with the TEDxSydney team. From there I volunteered with one of the biggest idea festivals in Australia called Vivid Sydney and landed a producer role for an event focused on failure. Which ironically, was a success.
I digress.
My point here is to share my learning - go out there and get involved. I often get asked how I have become a Charity Adventurer and given there is no linear path to following your passion - my advice is to identify the things that excite you and go meet people currently doing something similar. Make your voice heard and help others, this has helped me immensely.
You may never know what you will learn or who you will meet, but being active in your community is the key. A number of years later I'm fortunate enough to get asked onto various programs helping people and have most recently landed myself a role as ambassador for a group called the Awesome Foundation. They donate AUD$1,000 each month to anyone with a great idea to make the city better.